Symon Communications holds an annual sales meeting evey year in which the entire sales team flies in from all over the world for training. The theme that year was the Texas Revolution. I had the opportunity of designing the logo as well as drawing sketches of the company executives and painting a 20 ft backdrop.

We used paint and granite texture for the stonewall backdrop and the small Alamo replica, which I painted on two 4x8 foam panels glued together and cut with a jigsaw. The backdrop might not seem that big from a distance but we actually used about six gallons of paint for the whole thing.

Our creative team came up with the idea of having 'Wanted' posters with our board of executives posing as villains. I got the task of making hand drawn sketches of them. It was a total of about twelve drawings. Even though I use a wacom tablet every day, I still felt more comfortable using paper and pencil for the sketch.

The company didn't hold back on printing costs so we were able to print quite a few of them in really nice paper. Our team handled the entire printing process of all the collateral including name tags, tshits, brochures and more.

I wish I still had a copy of the program but my house burnt down and I lost it. i'm kidding. I just lost it.